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/ The Grammy Awards / The Grammy Awards.bin

Jump To: Directory (34)  |  Archive (1)  |  Audio (1)  |  Text (4)  |  Other (25)

Directories (34)
Name# Files   Name# Files   Name# Files
0040   635   653
668   672   683
695   706   7122
723   7310   747
759   7612   7720
7810   7924   8012
8122   8215   8328
8434   8519   8627
8730   8826   8915
9026   9129   9222
bckgnd46   naras35   shows34

Archives (1)
NameFormat# FilesSizeDate
gram.gx Genus Graphics Library Compressed Archive 58 608KB 1992-12-15

Audio & Music (1)
The Grammy Awards-02.mp3 MPG Layer 3 Audio File 1h1m41s 89MB 1992-01-01

Text (4)
NameFormat# LinesSizeDate
disk.id Text File 4 38b 1992-12-15
gram.bat DOS Batch File 6 158b 1992-12-15
install.dat Text File 83 2KB 1992-12-15
readme.txt Text File 17 760b 1992-12-15

Other Files (25)
grm.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 307KB 1992-12-16
install.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 79KB 1991-06-24
intro.exe MS-DOS/Windows Executable 131KB 1992-12-15
artyrcat.nmt Unknown 1MB 1992-12-16
artyrcat.nmx Unknown 258KB 1992-12-15
awdyrcat.nmt Unknown 215KB 1992-12-15
awdyrcat.nmx Unknown 64KB 1992-12-15
catyr.nmt Unknown 69KB 1992-12-15
catyr.nmx Unknown 28KB 1992-12-15
genyrcat.nmt Unknown 106KB 1992-12-15
genyrcat.nmx Unknown 2KB 1992-12-15
grammy.db Unknown 4MB 1992-12-15
mm.db Unknown 109KB 1992-12-15
namettl.nmt Unknown 75KB 1992-12-15
namettl.nmx Unknown 15KB 1992-12-15
nomyrcat.nmt Unknown 1MB 1992-12-15
nomyrcat.nmx Unknown 233KB 1992-12-15
sounds.sni Unknown 1KB 1992-12-17
sounds.snx Unknown 3KB 1992-12-17
ttlyrcat.nmt Unknown 963KB 1992-12-15
ttlyrcat.nmx Unknown 464KB 1992-12-15
yrcat.nmt Unknown 99KB 1992-12-15
yrcat.nmx Unknown 1KB 1992-12-15
yrctngna.nmt Unknown 2MB 1992-12-15
yrctngna.nmx Unknown 252KB 1992-12-15